So you wish to learn the secrets of the great Were-Vultures! The Aegypi are my people, and Dzhambul is proud to be the representative of what was once his community! Perhaps you wish to know of our customs, perhaps you wish to know of our beliefs, and perhaps you wish to know of our feud with the Mokole. Fear not! Dzhambul has made a page on the Mokole here! For your extensive reading on their putrid ways, and why you should NEVER trust a Dragon!
The Aegypi are a noble breed, Dzhambul says yes! Soaring over the skies is one of our tried and true traditions. Find Dzhambul an Aegypi who prefers to walk over flying and Dzhambul will owe you a feast for kings! Speaking of feasting, it's what the Aegypi do best-- You will not know an Aegypi who will not meet over carrion and dandelion wine! Truly, while we may not congregate anywhere else, the winemakers and the lowly and the Kings will all find excellency in the Great Wake! It is customary to leave everyone enough room to feed. From younglings to mothers to royalty, everyone gets their fill! Perhaps the inequalities of other breeds will become rather clear to you-- To deny the best for the Metis and the young and the destitute to only reserve it for the royalty is preposterous! Such is the life of Wolves, not the life of a Vulture! Truly the Aegypi were the greatest community under the Wyrm. We feed together. The Vultures may not hunt often, but we feast regularly!
Perhaps you wonder, what else is there to a Vulture's lifestyle? Why, homesteading and surveying, of course! Though we may often live solitary lives most of the time outside of the Great Wake, truly our abodes are grand. We will often find the best nooks and crannies of the land, And make a home of said land! Often in the mountains, of course, but we will fly many Horse-pastures in a single day away from home in search of Wakes or abodes. Some of us make friends with each other, yes we do, and those bonds are strong. Should we see each other at a Wake, it is a grand time! Aside from that, we will often make furnitures of the parts of carcasses we cannot digest, and it is a shame to waste precious items such as furs and leathers. Often, leatherworkers and winemakers will trade wares. Moon-crowned individuals such as the great Dzhambul are rather social and get a big piece of everything, especially as we are usually great hunters who provide for the community! Not all Vultures are great hunters, and some do not hunt a day in their lives, simply finding enough carrion or Wakes to keep their fill. Hunters will hunt anything from the average ibex to a wandering human! These hunters are held in high regard, and many aspire to become hunters on their own time!
The Aegypi are a curious breed-- working for the Wyrm, and servants to The Dark Fungus. We are beings of decay and death! As you can imagine, we hold in great regard events like the Wonderwyrk and the Nuclear explosion of central Asia. While this may have dwindled our population, Dzhambul does not feel negatively about this situation, as it was all according to the great plan of the Wyrm. Should we find mushrooms in the wilds we survey, we must tend to them and hold the little fungal spirits in high regard.
Should you ever ask an Aegypi our opinions of the Mokole, you will get a resounding answer of "Death to the Dragons!" For quite some time, the Mokole have been a blight on the Earth. They avoid death, decay, and the failure of their stagnant civilization! All civilizations must fall, and the Mokole's are no exception. For too long, the Dragons have clung to life by a thread! Dzhambul knows this, yes. Surely you must know of my great plight on their civilization! I have destroyed enough of them to come back to tell the stories!